Last night I decided it would be a good idea to compare the Sierra Nevada Harvest Fresh Hop Ale and the Great Divide Fresh Hop Ale. In that order. The World Series was on and I figured it would be fun.
First the Sierra Nevada. The first noticable difference is the size of the bottle. You get a whole two more ounces with the Sierra Nevada. BONUS!!! The aroma is excellent. Hoppy and excellent. The taste does not disappoint either. Excellent hop flavor and what I call "after flavor". That's when you burp and get to re-taste the hops. I love that in a beer. No noticable alcohol taste in this one. Just hops with a little malt. I think this is a top notch beer.
Second, I opened the Great Divide. I've had this before and have always enjoyed it. A bit pricey at $6 per bottle but definately worth it as an occasional brew. Keep in mind that I had the SNHFH first. I wasn't able to spell hops like I usually can when I first poured this. Immediately I knew that I should have had this one first. The first taste was not what I had known of this beer. Again...should have had this one first. Fortunately it was a double duce (22 oz. bottle) and by the time I was half way through it was as I had known it before. Excellent hop aroma, excellent hop taste, and excellent hop after flavor. Also no noticable alcohol in this one. Another top notch beer. But if you ever decide to have both of these in one sitting, have this one first.
Overall both are fine examples of an American Pale Ale and I highly recommend both. The Great Divide is slightly less hoppy but no less enjoyable. Go get yourself one or 10 of each today, open one up, put on The White Stripes - Icky Thump, and enjoy.
I still haven't written up my experience with the SA IP, but I will. Nice to hear about a third fresh hops beer in town. Where did you get it.
I followed up on the Icky Thump link. Interesting. Nice riff in the opening. Listened to "Slowly Turning into You" also. Lead singer reminds me bit of Rush, which is not too bad, but kinda wears on me after awhile.
I do most of my shopping at Lukas (119th and Metcalf). That's where I get the Great Divide Fresh Hop ale. A little pricey at roughly $5 for a 22oz but worth it on occasion.
I've never thought about Jack White sounding like Geddy Lee..he always makes me think of a young Robert Plant.
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